Tuesday, August 10, 2010

1 Month Until St. Petersburg.

This summer hasn't really been my most productive one. I am slowly getting back into some sort of routine, and that will soon be disrupted again as I leave this country for three months. I am finally going to Russia for a longer period of time, but I'm too much of a worrying type to be able to enjoy the thought of it before I know all the practical details are sorted out (we still don't know exactly where we are going to live, we haven't paid the fees, and so on...) I have read the only course book we have that is not all about grammar, Мы похожи, но мы разные (I'm not entirely sure that's the title of the entire book, it may just be the first chapter), so I do feel like I have done at least something. Fortunately, I found the book extremely easy to read and I finished it very quickly. I have added all the unknown words I could find to Anki, so I should know them all before I even leave.

After having thought about it for quite some time, I did finally start rereading The Secret History by Donna Tartt, and I'm loving it just as much as I did the first time, eight or so years ago. I am a bit puzzled as to how so many language enthusiasts have managed to miss this book. Seriously, it should be a rather natural book to read for anyone who is overly interested in some language. When I read a really good book I always want to read more, and even though I want to read more Russian before I leave, I also have some very interesting books on Russia and I would really have liked to read at least one of them before leaving. Naturally, this doesn't make it any easier to squeeze in any German and Hungarian, especially since I have a final essay to write for my women's history class as well.

And I think Yandex fixed that problem dealing with automatically starting to type in the search field after a search! :D


  1. Oh la la! Que j´aimerais pouvoir aller aussi en Russie pour une longue periode! Mais je devrai encore attendre un petit peu. En attendant, j ai deja commencé a lire en russe comme tu m´as conseillé. Ça va doucement mais j´avance quand même... :-)

  2. Oh! Qu'est-ce que tu as choisi pour ta première (?) lecture?

  3. J´ai choisi pour commencer


    et apres je me mettrai avec:


  4. Je reconnais le premier livre, mais je ne l'ai pas lu, et je pense que j'ai lu le deuxième en version bilingue. D'ailleurs, si tu le trouves, je te conseille de lire Идиот en version abrégée, il m'a beaucoup plu :) Bonne lecture!

  5. Au fait, c´est L´idiot que je cherchais, mais ils ne l´avaient pas malheureusement...

